Sunday, July 30, 2017

New Homework Format
You will notice a third page in your child's weekly homework book.  Your child will now be getting a basic facts practice page each week to go with their reading log and essential words practice. I have posted a photo below. Thanks for all your support and hard work at home.

New Addition to Room 2!!!
We are so excited about our new white board table in Room 2. We practiced our doubles facts today in Maths on it.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Rubbish Trip
Room 2 attended a presentation today called Living Without a Rubbish Bin. We learned from our presenters different ways we can reduce the amount of rubbish we create. It was very interesting to learn some of the little things we can do to make a difference. Mrs. Church loved to hear Room 2 applying and sharing what we learned last term about helping our environment.

Room 2 is ready for the presentation.

Practicing Our Doubles Facts
We are working on becoming more fast fluent with our basic facts. Today we played a partner doubles facts game in Maths.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Hip Hip Hooray for the 100th Day!!!!!!
Room 2 had an awesome day celebrating our 100th day of school. 

We decorated 100th day ties and hats to wear.

We used 100 charts to count 100 fruit loops and then made yummy necklaces with them.

Some of our friends in room 2 brought in things for a 100 collection. It was awesome to see all the different ideas we came up with. We grouped our items so they were easier to count.

 Phoebe grouped her pasta by two's

We had lots of cool 100th day read alouds.

We ended the day with a challenge to see if we could build a structure out of 100 cups without it falling over.

 We did it!!!!!

Monday, July 17, 2017

Room 2 will be celebrating the 100th day of school on Monday.  I discussed with the class that I would love for them to bring in 100 of something on Monday. See the below list for some ideas. Small things would be the easiest and in some kind of bag please. If you are unable to do this or don't see the blog before Monday it is not a problem.

Here are some suggestions if you're looking for ideas of items to send with your child for our class' 100th-day collections.
1. Coins
2. M&M's
3. Pieces of cereal
4. Jellybeans
5. Paper clips
6. Rocks (small ones)
7. Bottle caps
8. Popsicle sticks
9. Beads
10. Dried beans
11. Sunflower seeds
12. Legos
13. Straws
14. Popcorn kernels
15. Cotton balls
16. Buttons
17. Rubber bands
18. Stickers (already stuck on a piece of paper)
19. Markers
20. Crayons
21. Decorative stamps (stamp 10 rows of 10 on a piece of paper)
22. Playing cards
23. Collectible cards, such as Pokemon, Bakugan, etc.
24. Books you've read (write them down on a piece of paper)
25. Words you can write/read
26. Toothpicks
27. Deflated balloons (the class can inflate them up later)
28. List of 100 types of animals
29. Photographs (organised in an album)
30. Tally marks
31. Pieces of macaroni
32. Smarties
33. Marshmallows
34. Feathers
35. Birthday candles
36. Fingers (trace your hands 10 times)
37. Toes (trace your feet 10 times)
38. Fingerprints
39. Pretzels
40. Googly eyes
41. Puzzle pieces
42. Raisins
43. Pipe cleaners
44. Craft pom poms
45. Marbles
46. Golf pencils
47. Eraser toppers
48. Postcards
49. Cotton swabs
50. Index cards
51. Pieces of paper
52. Paper snowflakes
53. Hole punches
54. Stars (hand drawn)
55. Hearts (hand drawn)
56. Seashells
57. Collectible pins/buttons
58. Keys
59. Dominos
60. Grains of rice
61. Action figures (a picture of 100 is probably more manageable than bringing   them all to school)
62. Little plastic animals
63. Twist ties
64. Chocolate chips
65. Sequins (try gluing them into the shape of the number 100)
66. Packing peanuts
67. Paper cups
68. Paper plates

I am so excited to see everyone on Monday!!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Friday Stem Day!
Last STEM day of the term today. We had a great time creating marble mazes. Room 2 had their choice of tons of different supplies. The only criteria was that they had to have a start and end to their maze. I was happy to see that every member of Room 2 gave it a go without asking for help or saying it was to hard. We had a lot of friends that made their maze and then realised they needed to make adjustments. Some friends added amazing :) elements to their mazes as well.

Everyone got started straight away

Mrs. Church Loved seeing everyone in Room 2 super focused.